Hello, my name is Jennifer Sartin, and you’ve taken the hardest step of your journey if you’re reading this; admitting you need help controlling substance use in your life. That’s it, the truly hard part is over! Before you go any further let’s give you some background on me. I began my career in substance abuse counseling in Las Vegas, Nevada, and have since worked at all levels of care in addiction treatment. Previously, I was a substance abuse counselor at Intersection Las Vegas, a private treatment center that provided both residential and outpatient services for those suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. Additionally, I worked as a substance abuse counselor at Southern Desert Correctional Center and Florence McClure Women’s Correctional Center; Indian Springs and Las Vegas respectively. Both facilities provide inmates with a long-term therapeutic community environment to address substance abuse issues and aid in preparation for successful re-entry into society. Subsequently, I was hired to conduct substance abuse evaluations, by Nevada Department of Parole and Probation, that were used to determine appropriate levels of care. The diversity of individuals treated inside the correctional system has given me extensive experience assessing client needs and creating individualized treatment plans. As a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor in the State of Texas, I am devoted to helping others achieve a healthy and lasting recovery from the disease of addiction. My understanding of the clinical side of addiction is supported by my personal experience with alcohol and drug addiction, and the struggles that accompany long term recovery. In this regard, my experience stands out in the field of substance abuse counseling. Now, I stated at the beginning that admittance is the hardest step of the journey, and that’s true, but it doesn’t mean it won’t be difficult along the way. However, by removing yourself from the isolating shadows of substance use you have now allowed yourself to have support, a team, and that’s exactly what this journey requires. I’m so excited to be on your team and can’t wait to join the fray with you!
Don’t hesitate to reach out today so that tomorrow is day 2 of your journey into relief and peace.
Counseling Channels
The old fashioned way*
If the opportunity for in person counseling is there, let’s use it. This channel allows for a strong and solid counselor/client relationship, and promotes a much more organic and fluid session by minimizing any external distractions.
Phone....not texting*
Maybe your schedule is not flexible enough to be in person, or you aren’t local to AAS, we got you covered. Just like speaking on the phone to a loved one, speaking with a counselor over the phone, hearing the emotion of their voice, is powerful and can help reinforce a counselor/client relationship.
Zoom.....because COVID*
Seriously though, COVID proved to us that a lot could be accomplished utilizing video conferencing……so why not utilize the resource. Everyone thinks they have a face for radio, but for those brave enough to be vulnerable in front of a camera…..a confidential one, obviously…..this can be then next best option down from “the old way”.
*All communication channels allow for text message support, as needed, in between sessions. Please understand that day and time of messaging may adversely affect response times.